Tuesday, March 9, 2010

shutter island

here is a good suspensful thriller that will keep on making you guess what happens next. one day a deputy marshall called teddy and his partner went to shutter island which is the island of the asylum for the criminally insane. When they get there they have to hand in there weapons plus investigate the case of a missing female patient. Along the way teddy found a note that says "who is 67?" Teddy tries to figure out what she was trying to say and he got it. He went to the man who owns the place and said," i think she is saying who is your 67th patient, doctor." They were confused and he had a migrane and he took some medicine. He kept on seeing hallucinations and having bad dreams. There was a lighthouse at the asylum there too and he wanted to see what was in there. Later he went to sector C where some other patients were and he had to try and find one. Basically he caught him. At a specific time his partner died.He went and continued on with the investigation and he almost went on the ferry but he ran to the lighthouse and went to see what was in there. At the top he saw the master of the place and they were talking for a bit. Then all of a sudden his partner came in and teddy was confused. He asked who he was and the partner,"don't you remember me, your own doctor." He was shocked. The owner said to teddy,"There is something I got to say, you know the note that said who is 67? well, you are the 67th patient." He got a gun and shot it but guess what, it was a toy gun. So in the end teddy stayed at the asylum and his true name was andrew laeddis.

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